Should you only use interest only loans when investing in property or are there benefits to principal and interest loans.
Speaker 1: So well move on to another question. If you guys are watching live and you have questions, please check them in the chat and well go through them. Weve been running mostly with live questions, Ben.
Speaker 2: This is awesome considering we just jumped on and didnt tell anyone.
Speaker 1: No. And weve got 10 people watching at the moment. Should all your investment properties be interest only loans. Im going to rephrase that because we cant offer mortgage advice, and just ask what you think about interest only loans as an investor?
Speaker 2: I read the most amazing little article a couple of days ago that was sent to me from somebody. This was really, really interesting to fit into this conversation. Up until six months ago I was the biggest fan for interest only loans ever.
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