About 6 months ago we set our goals for 2019. It\'s time to review what we have achieved and what our goals are for the second half of 2019.
0:00 - Introduction
0:44 - Simon bought his first property
2:24 - When it comes to financial goals, you really need have to do it yourself. You don\'t magically make up one day financially free
4:12 - Ryan\'s first half of the year didn\'t play out as expected
6:32 - Paying off debt can be exciting
7:39 - Staying motivated towards your financial goals
8:21 - What\'s next for Simon now he\'s bought a property?
11:06 - You need to have a mix of financial goals and personal goals
11:55 - Simon\'s plan for property #2 (Now hoping to save a 100% cash deposit)
14:37 - What about after he buys his 2nd property?
Goals We Set in Last Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Rnvgu3k1Uw
- Be financially free through my business by the end of 2019
- Pay off debt
- Build up a buffer fund for first property
- Buy 2nd property within the next 18 months (50% equity, 50% savings)
Recommended Videos:
Our Financial Goals for 2019 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Rnvgu3k1Uw
Success Story: Simon bought his first investment property - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HP376QV3qi4
http://onproperty.com.au/699 - Visit the site for a full transcription and downloadable audio version of this video.
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